Seminar: Putting the Results from the Student Evaluation of Teaching into Practice

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Date/Time:Thursday, 23 Jan 2014 from 12:10 pm to 1:00 pm
Location:2030 Morrill Hall
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
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Explore the successes and challenges of adopting an online course evaluation system as an effective mechanism for the Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET).

Effective uses of student ratings from the SET is to focus on accurate, timely, and usable measures of learning outcomes, and to serve to improve instruction as well as to evaluate faculty performance; such uses should be commonly understood and accepted by institutional stakeholders.

We will discuss how to interpret the Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) numerical data, and provide formative insight. Facilitators: Jodi Sterle, Professor, Animal Science; and Laura Bestler, CELT Program Coordinator and Class Climate Administrator.

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