Carbon Removal Forum (virtual)

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 10 Mar 2021 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Contact:Ali Kraber,
Categories:Conferences Live Green
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The Carbon Removal Forum is a campuswide event to harness knowledge and capacity toward developing an Iowa State University program in agriculturally based carbon removal that could contribute toward mitigating climate change. Featured speakers are Philip Robertson, Michigan State University, and Daniel Sanchez, University of California, Berkeley. Registration (free) is required.

Registration is free.

Why should you attend
The forum is intended to introduce ISU to the concepts of carbon removal from the atmosphere through agricultural activities. Follow-up discussions will ensue on how ISU can contribute to carbon removal to help curb climate change and inform participation in developing carbon markets. The desired outcome is proposals for research, education, and extension on agriculturally based carbon removal.

Who is invited
Students, faculty, staff, and concerned citizens who would like to understand how agricultural practices and engineering technologies can help mitigate climate change through carbon removal from the atmosphere.

More information
Carbon reduction: Reduce the rate at which carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere.
Carbon removal: Remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

This forum is organized by Iowa State's Bioeconomy Institute.