An Introduction to the Study Cycle - Help your learners study smarter!

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 29 Sep 2021 from 9:30 am to 10:50 am
Location:2030 Morrill
Channel:Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Categories:Training, development
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Do your learners wait until the last minute to study for exams? Do they spend lots of time studying, but end up with less than promising results?

The Study Cycle, adapted from Frank Christ's PLRS system by the Louisiana State University Center for Academic Success and discussed by Dr. Saundra McGuire in her books Teach Yourself How to Learn and Teach Students How to Learn, is a guide to help students build effective studying into their everyday lives. This 80-minute workshop, co-facilitated by CELT and the Academic Success Center, will introduce the study cycle, and provide time for participants to develop a plan to incorporate components of the study cycle into their course. This workshop is open to all instructors and teaching assistants.

Workshop objectives
o Reflect on the study skill strengths and gaps you observe from students in your course.
o Identify study skill resources at the Academic Success Center that can support students in the course you teach.
o Apply the steps of the study cycle to your course/learning experience
o Develop a plan to incentivize student use of the study cycle in your course.

Facilitators: Leif Olsen and Monica Lamm

*How to Register for CELT events*
Register using your netid/password via the Learn@ISU website, email

celt (at) iastate (dot) edu
, or call 515-294-5357

Coordinated by the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)