Last Day! Plant Propagation Station Drop-In Craft

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 14 Sep 2021
Location:Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union
Cost:$10 in studio/$14 to go
Contact:Letitia Kenemer
Channel:The Workspace
Categories:Arts, performances Live Green Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
A little horticulture therapy is good for the soul and mother earth. Paint a wood block that will hold glass vials for starter plants. Choose 3 cuttings from our plant lady's stash to start your journey with flora. Drop in anytime Monday-Friday 2-9pm or Saturday 10am-4pm daily through September 14. Each station purchased comes with a coupon for free admission into Reiman Gardens!

If you have plants you'd like to share with others, please drop by with the plant or cuttings. Everyone is welcome at The Workspace, but kiddos need to bring along a grownup.