Opening reception: Fashion / Existence / Myth

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Date/Time:Monday, 27 Feb 2023 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Location:Textiles and Clothing Museum, 1015 Morrill Hall
Contact:Kelly Reddy-Best
Channel:College of Human Sciences
Categories:Athletics Meetings, receptions
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Explore the "Fashion / Existence / Myth" exhibit, enjoy light snacks and listen to a short lecture at 4:30 p.m. The exhibit is curated by graduate students Zahra Falsafi and Amanda Ortiz-Pellot, and Kelly Reddy-Best, associate professor in apparel, events, and hospitality management.

Exhibit Description
Fashion intersects with the wellness and existence of our bodies and the surrounding environment in various ways. For example, fashion helps support the physical health of our bodies. It influences how we feel about and perceive ourselves. It also can help facilitate finding deeper spiritual meanings in life. How we spend and save money and consume fashion products is an integral part of our overall financial health. Additionally, fashion plays a role in helping us feel connected and interact with others, and fashion product production impacts the livelihood of the environment, climate, and surrounding communities.

In this exhibition, we examine how fashions around the globe inform the condition of our individual and collective existence and reflects our lived realities and known myths. Through six themes, physicality, introspection, metaphysics, economies, interactionism, and environmentalism, we highlight the complicated histories, current realties, and potential future impacts that fashion product consumption, distribution, production, and regulation have on the well-being of our bodies, communities, and surrounding natural environment. Curated by Zahra Falsafi, Amanda Ortiz-Pellot, and Kelly Reddy-Best.