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Tuesday, 16 Oct 2012

Portrait Drawing

Oct 16, 2012

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The Workspace, Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU $61/Public $71 (supplies included)

The Workspace Student activities

Quickly develop an understanding of the fundamentals and structure of the human face and head. Through fun and unique exercises, unlearn common drawing and perception errors, and practice, practice, practice! You will find that your ability to draw evocative and accurate portraits will greatly improve. Practice with a variety of drawing media including graphite, charcoal and Conté.

SUB Live Music: Frontier Ruckus w/Buxton

Oct 16, 2012

8:00 PM

The M-Shop, MU

$9 ($7 w/ ISU Student ID) in advance | $2 increase day of show

Student Union Board Arts, performances Diversity Special events Student activities

Since 2008, Frontier Ruckus has been creating beautiful, delicate, and sometimes haunting songs. The band has been featured by numerous notable sources including Paste Magazine, NPR Music, and Rolling Stone.