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Wednesday, 03 Sep 2014

Belly Dance Basics Workshop 1

Sep 03, 2014

7:00 PM - 8:10 PM

Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU $10, Public $10

The Workspace Arts, performances Diversity Student activities

Grab your friends and join Shiara for an evening dedicated to exploring three of the major types of music found in Middle Eastern Dance and some of the basic dance movements used to complement each style.

Intermediate Belly Dance Workshop: The Art of Taqsim

Sep 03, 2014

8:20 PM - 9:30 PM

Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union

ISU $10, Public $10

The Workspace Arts, performances Diversity Student activities

The Taqsim is a part of Middle Eastern music where a solo instrument is featured. It is typically an improvisational expression for both the musician and the dancer which many find intimidating. In this class, we'll create a formula to help you relax, enjoy and shine during your next Taqsim!