Earth Day at Reiman Gardens

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Date/Time:Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Location:Reiman Gardens
Channel:Reiman Gardens
Categories:Lectures Live Green Special events
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To mark the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, Christie Vilsack, Iowa's former first lady, will plant a tree at Iowa State University's Reiman Gardens on Thursday, April 22.

Reiman Gardens will host Vilsack as part of their annual Earth Day celebration at 12 p.m. Other dignitaries participating in the special tree planting include Wendy Wintersteen, dean of the College of Agriculture, as well as Ames Mayor Ann Campbell.
The public is invited to attend the event that will feature remarks by Vilsack and Wintersteen and music by the Ames High School String Quartet.
The first 100 visitors arriving at the Gardens on Earth Day will receive a free tree seedling as part of the celebration. Following the planting, members and ISU students are invited to attend a "Green Bag" luncheon. Guests are encouraged to bring their lunch using recyclable containers and bags. Vilsack will speak.
Vilsack was first lady in Iowa from 1999 - 2007. She is married to former Governor Tom Vilsack, who is the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. She was invited to Reiman Gardens, in part, because of her strong support of public and private gardens, saying, "Gardens represent the very best aspects of American life. They bring people and communities together for the common purpose of cultivating and caring for the land, while sharing the beauty and rich experience of simply being outdoors."
While celebrating Earth Day at Reiman Gardens, visitors also can tour the spring gardens and meet the new giant garden gnome, part of the 2010 "Celebration of Garden Ornamentation" theme. The 15-foot gnome will be the tallest in the U.S. It was commissioned by Reiman Gardens and constructed by National Rock and Sculpture Inc. in Wisconsin.