Performance: BLAST!

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Date/Time:Friday, 14 Oct 2011 at 7:30 pm
Location:Stephens Auditorium
Cost:$20- $51
Channel:Iowa State Center
Categories:Arts, performances
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BLAST! stands, blows, pounds, marches, and whirls with panache in an exuberant event for all ages.

A unique explosion of music and
theatre, BLAST! was born on athletic
fields across the nation and evolved
from the showmanship of outdoor
pageantry to become winner of the 2001
Tony Award® for the Best Special Theatrical Event
and the 2001 Emmy® Award for Best Choreography.
Thirty-five brass, percussion and visual performers
bridge the categories of classical, blues, jazz,
rock 'n' roll and techno-pop music, astounding
audiences around the globe.