World of Jenks

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Date/Time:Friday, 02 Nov 2012 at 11:00 pm
Location:Great Hall, Memorial Union
Channel:Lecture Series
Categories:Lectures Student activities
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Andrew Jenks is an award-winning filmmaker best known for his MTV documentary series "World of Jenks." The show captures a range of voices and personal stories not usually covered by media. Often dubbed "the voice of his generation," Jenks is currently MTV News's correspondent for the 2012 presidential campaign. ISU After Dark.

When Andrew Jenks was nineteen years old he moved into a Florida nursing home for a month to capture "the meaning of life" from its elderly residents. What began as a low-budget summer project turned into the feature documentary Andrew Jenks, Room 335, which went on to premiere on HBO and play in theaters around the world. ESPN financed his second film, The Zen of Bobby V, about Bobby Valentine, the first American manager to win the Japanese Series.

He has an upcoming special, "When I Was 22," with interviews of political candidates talking about how their early experiences shaped who they are today.

Andrew Jenks has lived in New York City, Katmandu, Nepal, Brussels, Belgium, and Japan. At age sixteen he founded the Hendrick Hudson Film Festival, now one of the largest high school film festivals in the United States. Scholastic Books will release a collection of stories about his career as a young filmmaker in January.