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What is featured?

Thursday, 20 Jan 2011

Volunteer orientation: Reiman Gardens

Jan 20, 2011

12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

Reiman Gardens

Reiman Gardens Meetings, receptions Training, development

This information session is for current volunteers, new volunteers and individuals who are interested in volunteering at Reiman Gardens.

Opening reception for "Relationships: Drawn, Analog to Digital"

Jan 20, 2011

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Brunnier Art Museum, 295 Scheman Bldg.


University Museums Arts, performances Meetings, receptions

"Relationships: Drawn, Analog to Digital" art exhibition. Featured artists include Anson Call, Dean Biechler and Chuck Richards. Join the featured faculty artists, ISU Engineering dean Jonathan Wickert, and ISU Design dean Luis Rico-Gutierrez for refreshments and good conversation.

Tuesday, 25 Jan 2011

STEM Education Collaboration Coffee

Jan 25, 2011

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

N047 Lagomarcino Hall


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Meetings, receptions

The Center for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Education (CESMEE) invites those interested in STEM education to its next collaboration coffee. All students, faculty and staff are invited.

Informational lunch: Iowa State MBA program

Jan 25, 2011

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Olde Main Brewing Co., 316 Main St.

Ivy College of Business Meetings, receptions

Lunch will be provided. Please respond to Jenny Reitano, College of Business, 4-7819, if you'd like to attend.