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What is featured?

Wednesday, 12 Feb 2014

ArtWalk: Romance in the Stacks

Feb 12, 2014

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Parks Library, main entry


University Museums Arts, performances

Did you know that at one time the library was a popular place for a gentleman to ask a young lady out for a date? Join University Museums as we stroll through Parks Library to uncover some of the romantic images and stories behind several of the Art on Campus objects in the library. Meet your guide inside the main entrance of the library.

Artful Yoga

Feb 12, 2014

5:20 PM - 6:20 PM

Christian Petersen Art Museum, 1017 Morrill Hall


University Museums Arts, performances

Build strength, endurance, and balance in a yoga class that will leave you feeling relaxed and centered. Behind all of those sore muscles you may find patience, peace, and a stronger mind/body connection. No yoga experience is necessary, but please bring your own mat.

Oil Painting Class

Feb 12, 2014

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The Workspace at the Memorial Union

ISU $83/Public $93 Includes Supplies

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

Through this class, students will become comfortable using oil paint, and gain confidence in color mixing, composition, and paint application.

Woodshop Orientation Class

Feb 12, 2014

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The Workspace at the Memorial Union

ISU $10/Public $20

The Workspace Arts, performances Student activities

For the beginner who wants to learn the fundamentals of woodworking equipment. Proper usage of the machinery will be covered, as well as woodshop safety. This class is required in order to use the woodshop on your own.

Grandma Mojo's Moonshine Revival

Feb 12, 2014

10:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The M-Shop


Student Union Board Arts, performances

Grandma Mojo's Moonshine Revival is a student run improv troupe on campus. They perform in the M-Shop on various Wednesdays during the semester as well as performing the Monday of VEISHEA week. Grandma Mojo's is the best and cheapest date on campus - admission is only $1!