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Sunday, 06 Feb 2011

Performance: Barjche 2011

Feb 06, 2011

2:00 PM

Fisher Theater

$12 public, $10 students, youth and seniors

College of Human Sciences Arts, performances

Barjche 2011 will focus on the theme of space. Within this motif there will be explorations of personal space, shared space, site-specific performance and a funky second half that celebrates outer space. This yearly dance concert is produced in conjunction with Orchesis I and features student, faculty and guest artist choreography.

Translating the Everyday

Feb 06, 2011

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Brunnier Art Museum, 295 Scheman Building


University Museums Arts, performances

A necktie, a sugar bowl, a bowl of soup - these are just a few of the seemingly simple subjects Mark Adams depicts in his watercolors. Why are these common, everyday objects the focus in his art? Join Nancy Girard, educator, for a gallery walk of "Mark Adams: Translation of Light" to learn more about why common object are popular in art and how our visual attitudes and experiences shape our perceptions of them.

Argentine Tango with Valerie Williams

Feb 06, 2011

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Workspace at the Memorial Union

ISU - $30 for 5 classes, Public - $40 for 5 classes

The Workspace Arts, performances Diversity Student activities

This Milonga (dance party) is a multi-level class with lots of time to enjoy the music and dance.