Thursday, 08 Apr 2021
A Vaccinologist's Tale: A Journey from Jenner to Nanomedicines
Michael J. Wannemuehler, PhD., joined the faculty of the College of Veterinary Medicine at ISU in 1983. His laboratory has contributed to the development an effective vaccine against swine dysentery and, along with collaborators in the Nanovaccine Institute, has worked on vaccines for tetanus, streptococcal pneumonia, pneumonic plague, anthrax, influenza, and COVID-19.
Lecture: Self-Care for Activists in 2021 and Beyond
Aisha Moore is an entrepreneur with a Masters in Public Health from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Ms. Moore has been providing self-care programs since 2014 to businesses, foundations, nonprofits and colleges, and has recently completed training in Health Coaching.