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What is featured?

Sunday, 03 Nov 2019

Curator Talk: Iowa and Contemporary Pottery

Nov 03, 2019

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Brunnier Art Museum, Scheman Building

University Museums Arts, performances Lectures

"Timeless: Iowa and Contemporary Pottery," Adrienne Gennett, associate curator, University Museums. From large scale ceramic sculptures to the smallest of vessels, the "Iowa and Contemporary Pottery" exhibit will highlight a range of artistic expression in pottery. Gennett will discuss the exhibition and recent acquisitions to the ceramics collection.

Monday, 04 Nov 2019

Campus conversation: Students Against Racism

Nov 04, 2019

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

198 Parks Library


Diversity and Inclusion Office Lectures Training, development

Students will start the conversation with a presentation about the recent events on campus that led to the Students Against Racism protest and demands. Participants will discuss in small groups, while facilitators collect feedback on what is working, what isn't, and what needs to change. An open mic will be available to share stories and input. The event will include resources available for campus community members.

Lecture: Media and the 2020 Election

Nov 04, 2019

7:00 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures Student activities

Alexander Heffner is the host of The Open Mind on PBS. He has covered American politics, civic life, and millennials since the 2008 presidential campaign. His work has been profiled in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Des Moines Register and numerous other outlets. This lecture will provide students with the opportunity to engage with Heffner about the Iowa Caucuses and the 2020 elections.

Tuesday, 05 Nov 2019

GDCB Seminar

Nov 05, 2019

4:10 PM - 5:00 PM

1414 Molecular Biology Building


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures

"Cutin biosynthesis," Dylan Kosma, University of Nevada.

Friday, 08 Nov 2019

Serve the World With Hyper Innovation - Steve Johanns

Nov 08, 2019

4:00 PM

MacKay Hall Auditorium (0117)


Lecture Series Lectures

With over 25 years of experience in technology, energy, infrastructure, and innovation, Steve Johanns founded Veriown Global Inc., bringing internet-connected solar energy to the 1.2 billion people around the world without access to a power grid. Steve has a passion for disrupting the conventional thinking that caused our global problems of climate change and poverty, with his goal to hyper innovate the world's last mile.

Lecture: Globalizing Normativity, Picturing Evolution: Le Corbusier and the Remaking of Man

Nov 08, 2019

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Kocimski Auditorium, 101 Design


College of Design Lectures

Fabiola López-Durán, an associate professor of art history at Rice University, will speak about eugenics and modern architecture in this ISU Department of Architecture Public Program.

Tuesday, 12 Nov 2019

GDCB Seminar

Nov 12, 2019

4:10 PM - 5:00 PM

1414 Molecular Biology Building


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures

"Evolution and biochemical genomics," Gaurav Moghe, Cornell University.

Lecture: Healing America's Streams

Nov 12, 2019

7:00 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures Live Green

Margaret A. Palmer is a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, and a leader in restoration ecology, with an emphasis on restoration of rivers, streams, and wetlands.

Thursday, 14 Nov 2019

Industrial Design Keynote Lecture

Nov 14, 2019

5:35 PM - 6:35 PM

Kocimski Auditorium, 101 Design


College of Design Lectures

Guest speakers Quentin De Coster and Katerina Kopytina of fuseproject, San Francisco will deliver the Industrial Design keynote lecuture. De Coster studied industrial design in Belgium and Italy and worked as a freelance designer in Europe before joining fuseproject in 2017. Kopytina is an industrial designer with fuseproject, where she collaborates with companies interested in high-quality and market-successful products.

Lecture: Vietnam Veterans, Still Coming Home

Nov 14, 2019

7:00 PM

South Ballroom, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures

Dr. Steve Feimer, co-author of "Vietnam Vets: Still Coming Home," is an Associate Professor Justice Studies at the University of South Dakota. The purpose of this lecture is to heighten awareness of continuing struggles of Vietnam War Veterans as they deal with such issues as the physical effects on Agent Orange, PTSD, survivor's guilt, readjustment to civilian life, and combat loss. Veterans Week Keynote.

Lecture: Impeachment Then and Now

Nov 14, 2019

8:15 PM

Great Hall


Lecture Series Lectures

How is the Trump impeachment different from the impeachment processes of Nixon and Clinton? Join three political experts to discuss impeachment: what it means, how it works, and how it has evolved as a process from Nixon to Clinton to Trump.

Friday, 15 Nov 2019

Planetarium Show: The Life Cycle of Stars

Nov 15, 2019

6:30 PM

ISU Planetarium, Physics Hall


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures

Are you curious about space? Do you wonder about what you can see in the night sky? If so, bring your questions and come to the ISU Planetarium and join us for an evening under the stars!

Monday, 18 Nov 2019

Monday Monologues series

Nov 18, 2019

12:15 PM - 12:45 PM

Grant Wood Foyer, Parks Library


University Library Arts, performances Lectures

"The World Made New," poetry readings by students, curated by Deb Marquart, ISU creative writing and environment. Poetry students will demonstrate how the act of writing poetry involves thoughtful work such as remembering, digging, observing, exploring, describing and imagining. Hear how the poem arrives on the page with new insights, offering in its language and imagery new ways of seeing and knowing.

Tuesday, 19 Nov 2019

GDCB Seminar

Nov 19, 2019

4:10 PM - 5:00 PM

1414 Molecular Biology Building


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures

"Synthetic cells," Kate Adamala, University of Minnesota.

Lecture: Seeking Security in an Unstable World

Nov 19, 2019

8:00 PM

Great Hall, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures

Frank Figliuzzi, the former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence and current NBC News National Security Analyst joins us for an intimate and candid armchair conversation about security and stability on global, national, local, and personal levels. This is the 2019 Manatt-Phelps Lecture in Political Science.

Wednesday, 20 Nov 2019

Behind the Scenes: Deck the Hall and More

Nov 20, 2019

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Reiman Gardens


Reiman Gardens Lectures

"Holiday Lighting and Decor Installation." How do we decorate the whole Gardens for the holiday season? With lots of planning and help! Come get an insider's view of the process, from how we plan the decor to how we store the ornaments.

Lecture: The Technological Imperative for Ethical Evolution

Nov 20, 2019

7:00 PM

Sun Room, Memorial Union


Lecture Series Lectures

With a deep interest in the ethics of technology, Martin Hellman has been applying risk analysis to a potential failure of nuclear deterrence. In this upcoming lecture, he will be arguing that national security is separable from global security in this era of nuclear weapons, cyberattacks, terrorisms, and environmental crises. He will be calling on U.S. citizens and policymakers to take a wider view of global issues.

Monday, 25 Nov 2019

Seminar: Geological & Atmospheric Sciences

Nov 25, 2019

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

102 Science


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Lectures

"Encouraging Critical Thinking and Intellectual Risks" by Rachindra Mawalagedara, ISU, Dept. of Geological & Atmospheric Sciences