Thursday, 14 Nov 2019
Industrial Design Keynote Lecture
Guest speakers Quentin De Coster and Katerina Kopytina of fuseproject, San Francisco will deliver the Industrial Design keynote lecuture. De Coster studied industrial design in Belgium and Italy and worked as a freelance designer in Europe before joining fuseproject in 2017. Kopytina is an industrial designer with fuseproject, where she collaborates with companies interested in high-quality and market-successful products.
Lecture: Vietnam Veterans, Still Coming Home
Dr. Steve Feimer, co-author of "Vietnam Vets: Still Coming Home," is an Associate Professor Justice Studies at the University of South Dakota. The purpose of this lecture is to heighten awareness of continuing struggles of Vietnam War Veterans as they deal with such issues as the physical effects on Agent Orange, PTSD, survivor's guilt, readjustment to civilian life, and combat loss. Veterans Week Keynote.
Lecture: Impeachment Then and Now
How is the Trump impeachment different from the impeachment processes of Nixon and Clinton? Join three political experts to discuss impeachment: what it means, how it works, and how it has evolved as a process from Nixon to Clinton to Trump.