Monday, 29 Mar 2021
Innovation Short Circuit: It's (Not) a Small World After All
Creating structure, processes, and systems that inspire human creativity, interaction and progress is a daunting task for even the best leaders. This is especially true when we lead innovation, characterized by unpredictability, risk, and mental flexibility. Listen to our Deans who have become change-makers leading change-management in one of the most historically challenging times in this country.
Wednesday, 31 Mar 2021
Ignored Racism: White Animus Toward Latinos
Dr. Dave A. M. Peterson, Lucken Professor of Political Science, discusses how White Americans' perceptions and attitudes about Latinos shape the way they think about politics. Based on his book, Ignored Racism: White Animus Toward Latinos, he will present how institutional discrimination targeting Latinos has resulted in White's negative stereotypes.
Thursday, 01 Apr 2021
The Conservative Case for Economic Nationalism
WebEx Link: Pedro Gonzalez is a senior writer at American Greatness.
Friday, 02 Apr 2021
Innovators Forum: Gopi Katragadda
A live, moderated conversation with Gopi Katragadda, founder and CEO of Myelin Foundry. Registration required.