Voices from Iraq - Kathy Kelly

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 14 Feb 2006 at 8:00 pm
Location:Sun Room, Memorial Union
Channel:Lecture Series
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Kathy Kelly co-founded Voices in the Wilderness, a group which bears witness to the suffering the UN imposed sanctions have visited upon the people, especially the children, of Iraq. She has been to Iraq twenty-two times since January 1996, when the campaign began, and is the author of Other Lands Have Dreams: from Baghdad to Pekin Prison.

Kelly moved from neighborhood poverty issues to advocate nonviolence on a global scale. For her participation in planting corn in the soil above nuclear missile silos, a symbolic action intended to demonstrate the peaceful use of land, she was sentenced to nine months in federal prison. Ultimately,she found this a "liberating" experience because it helped her to face fear of coercion.

Articles published: War and Peace in the Gulf (Cornerstone Press, 2005).
Live from Palestine (Edited by Nancy Stohlman and Laurieann Aladin, 2003).
Iraq Under Siege (Seven Seas Press, 2000). Thirty-plus Awards