Forum: Obama's First 100 Days

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 01 Apr 2009 at 7:00 pm
Location:Sun Room, Memorial Union
Channel:Lecture Series
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"President Obama's First 100 Days," political commentator Arnie Arnesen and Steffen Schmidt, ISU political science.

"Political candidates have a choice, they can either pander to people's fears in an effort to win or speak the truth in order to lead."
Gubernatorial candidate Arnesen 1992

Arnie Arnesen, award winning radio and TV talk host
NH General Court - State Legislature (1984-1992)
First Female Nominee for NH Governor (Dem. 1992) and Congress (Dem. 1996)
BA, cum laude, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN 1975 (major - religion)
JD Vermont Law School
Visiting Scholar at the Harvard School of Public Health
Fellow, Institute of Politics, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard
Toll Fellow, Council of State Governments
Former National Board Member Common Cause Washington DC
Ranked by as one of NH's most influential political players (October 2008)
Chosen by John Nichols of The Nation magazine in Dec 2007 as one of the most important progressives in America
Featured in the book: Skirting Tradition: Women in Politics Speak to the Next Generation
Featured in 3 mini documentaries - The Guardian newspaper's coverage NH Primary 2008
Former columnist for the Boston Globe Weekly