Performance: "Mark Twain Tonight!"

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Date/Time:Thursday, 12 Nov 2009 at 7:30 pm
Location:Stephens Auditorium
Cost:Adults: $43, $39; Youth: $25; ISU Students: $20
Contact:Angela Ossian
Channel:Iowa State Center
Categories:Arts, performances
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"Mark Twain Tonight!" with Hal Holbrook. A living, breathing American Masterpiece! It is, quite simply, one of the most acclaimed and enduring performances in the history of theater. Nearly 50 years ago, a young actor took the stage in a tiny off-Broadway theatre and introduced the world to a man they'd never forget. The actor was Hal Holbrook. The man was Mark Twain.

In an intimate evening of wit, storytelling and "Gilded Age" observations drawn from hours of Twain's own material, this legendary tour-de-force performance is a compelling and faithful tribute. Holbrook adds to his Twain material every year, editing and changing it to fit the times. With more than 16 hours of Twain material and with more coming all the time, he has no set program - he chooses material as he goes along. Holbrook has toured his innovative one-man show for more than five decades and 2,100 performances.

With amazing historical accuracy, great humor and an uncanny resemblance to Twain, Holbrook reincarnates the great author in this always fresh and ever-evolving production which continues to entertain and delight audiences of all ages.