Lecture: Postville after the raid

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Date/Time:Thursday, 19 Nov 2009 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Location:Cardinal Room, Memorial Union
Channel:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Categories:Diversity Lectures
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"Broken Transnational Villages, the Case of Postville, Iowa, After the Raid," Gerardo Sandoval, ISU community and regional planning; and Griselda, a Guatemalan woman who lived in Postville at the time of the raid.

Dr. Sandoval's research in California, Iowa, and Latin America has focused on community impacts of urban infrastructure projects, how immigrants revitalize urban and rural communities, immigrants support networks, and co-adaptation of immigrant and host communities.

Dr. Sandoval will talk about his trip to Guatemala during the Summer 2009, and some of his preliminary findings. He will also talk about his ideas for a community project in these Guatemalan communities.

Griselda is a Guatemalan woman who lived in Postville at the time of the raid. She will share with us the stories of friends that were detained by ICE. Griselda will also do a demonstration of one of the most famous Guatemalan arts, the telar (the back-strap loom).

Part of the Research on Latinos in Iowa series sponsored by Latinoamericanos, Latino Heritage Month and the Department of Sociology.