Opening Reception: Toward Sustainable Cities Series

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Date/Time:Monday, 25 Oct 2010 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Location:Lightfoot Forum, College of Design
Contact:Ulrike Passe
Channel:College of Design
Categories:Meetings, receptions
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Opening reception for "Toward Sustainable Cities," a series of events on ways that design, engineering, public policy, economics and the social sciences can work together to develop sustainable cities for the world's increasingly urban population. Presented by the ISU Council on Sustainability, College of Design and LiveGreen! Initiative.

The Iowa State University Council on Sustainability, College of Design and LiveGreen! Initiative are pleased to present "Toward Sustainable Cities," a series of events focused on diverse issues surrounding the development of sustainable cities -- those designed with consideration of environmental impact, inhabited by people dedicated to minimization of required inputs (energy, water, food) and waste output (heat, air pollution, water pollution), able to feed themselves with minimal reliance on the surrounding countryside and power themselves with renewable sources of energy, thus minimizing their contribution to global climate change.

In a profound demographic shift with far-ranging implications, soon more people will live in cities than in rural areas throughout the world. Cities of necessity are becoming ever more complex infrastructure systems. The question remains, how do we develop such a complex system in a sustainable manner and how can design, engineering, public policy, economics and the social sciences work together to achieve such an enormous task? We invite the Ames and Iowa State communities to join us in this important multidisciplinary debate.

Events include an exhibition, seminar and lecture all focused on different aspects of socially, economically and environmentally sustainable design. All events are presented by the ISU Council on Sustainability, the College of Design and the LiveGreen! Initiative.

The opening reception will include brief remarks by Kevin Nordmeyer, director of the Iowa Energy Center; Luis Rico-Gutierrez, dean, College of Design; and Ulrike Passe, director, Center for Building Energy Research and assistant professor of architecture, promptly at 5:30 p.m.