Stuff White People Like

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 02 Mar 2011 at 8:00 pm
Location:Great Hall, Memorial Union
Channel:Lecture Series
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Christian Lander takes a satirical look at upper-middle-class white culture on his blog and in his book Stuff White People Like. He continues his anthropological study of how to survive modern white society in his sequel Whiter Shades of Pale.

More bio:
Christian Lander was working in corporate communications at a California interactive agency when he started his blog, "Stuff White People Like," a tongue-in-cheek comprehensive list of everything upper-middle-class Caucasians enjoy from The Wire and McSweeney's to eating outside and self-importance. When the site amassed 20 million hits, he caught the eye of Random House, publisher of both of his books. He still lives Los Angeles and his wife, Jess, a photographer, contributed many of the photos in the books. He has an undergraduate degree in English from McGill University in Montreal, a masters in Media Arts from the University of Arizona, and has completed coursework towards a doctorate in Communications and Culture at Indiana University.