Time management skills

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 06 Apr 2011 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location:1204 Kildee Hall
Channel:College of Human Sciences
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Dr. Susan Johnson will present principles for organizing work and managing time, and describe a system for implemention. Includes methods to define/focus your current workload; efficiently handle e-mail, paper mail and other input; make lists that will enhance your ability to get things done; take action/deal directly with procrastination; and plan your week and day. Presented by the food science and human nutrition department and ISU ADVANCE.

Dr. Susan R. Johnson received her B.S., M.D., and an M.S. in Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health from the University of Iowa. She completed residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and then joined the faculty of that Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, where she is now Professor. In 1999 she received a secondary appointment in the Department of Epidemiology in the College of Public Health. Dr. Johnson's clinical and research interests have been in the areas of Premenstrual Syndrome and menopausal health issues. She was the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs in the Carver College of Medicine from 1994 to 2003, and the Associate Provost for Faculty from 2005-2009. She currently serves as University Ombudsperson for the University of Iowa.

Her interests in time management began many years ago, as she found herself struggling with how to get everything done on time. In 1998, after amassing the world's largest collection of TM books, she decided to read them and apply the principles found therein. A co-worker, after observing that the top of her desk was visible for the first time in anyone's memory, asked her to present a talk to the office staff. She gained further experience and insights from working one on one with over 50 faculty and staff members. Dr. Johnson has made over 200 presentations at the University of Iowa and around the country to audiences of faculty, staff, students, residents and fellows, and for variety of non-profit and professional organizations. From 2006 - 2009, she served on the editorial advisory board of Academic Physician & Scientist in 2006, and she has published 10 articles related to personal productivity in that venue.