Performance: Doubt

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Date/Time:Friday, 17 Feb 2012 at 7:30 pm
Location:Stephens Auditorium
Cost:$20- $37
Channel:Iowa State Center
Categories:Arts, performances
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"DOUBT: A PARABLE." Charismatic young Father Flynn begins a sermon by asking, "What do you do when you're not sure?" Audiences soon learn that little is certain in John Patrick Shanley's brilliant, aptly titled play.

Although set in 1964, Doubt is as timely as tomorrow's newspaper. Is Father Flynn using his position as teacher and coach to encourage youngsters or take advantage of them? Is hardheaded Sister Aloysius, the school principal, protecting children from harm, or is she falsely accusing an innocent man of a shocking betrayal of trust?

Since its initial sold-out production off-Broadway, Doubt has enthralled and stunned audiences while garnering critical acclaim. Winner of a Pulitzer Prize and a Tony Award®, Doubt is a rare evening of theatre that entertains and captivates emotionally, psychologically, and intellectually. In an extraordinary theatrical sleight of hand, Shanley leaves audiences no simple answers, no pat solutions, and no easy outs. This is theatre that brings audiences to the edge of their seats and introduces topics that will be discussed long after the final curtain.

**Content Disclaimer: Doubt: A Parable contains
mature content that may be unsuitable for children.