Lecture: Influential Landscapes

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Date/Time:Thursday, 12 Apr 2012 at 7:00 pm
Location:Kocimski Auditorium, College of Design
Channel:Lecture Series
Categories:Lectures Live Green
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Studio artist Katy Stone, an Iowa native and Iowa State alum, has a unique visual voice that is heavily influenced by a connection to landscape. She paints on a nontraditional artistic material, archival plastic film, as well as on paper and metal. The accumulated mass of gestures are then cut, combined and layered into three-dimensional assemblages. She will speak about how the natural environment influences her artwork.

Katy Stone has exhibited her artwork in over forty solo and group exhibitions and completed ten art commissions. Her work is also featured in the U.S. Art in Embassies Collection in Mumbai, India, and Baghdad, Iraq. Stone grew up in Iowa and received her BFA in painting and drawing from Iowa State in 1992. She has been living in the Pacific Northwest since receiving her MFA from the University of Washington.

Image credit:
Art Museum of Missoula, Missoula, MT
14' x 48' x 22' (dimensions variable)
Acrylic paint on Duralar, pins, nylon pegs, shadows