Statistics Seminar

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Date/Time:Thursday, 19 Jan 2012 from 11:00 am to 11:50 am
Location:1104 Gilman
Contact:Jeanette La Grange
Channel:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Categories:Academic calendar Lectures
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"Envelope Models and Methods", Zhihua (Sophia) Su, University of Minnesota, School of Statistics, Minneapolis, MN

This talk presents a new statistical concept called an envelope. An envelope has the potential to achieve substantial efficiency gains in multivariate analysis by identifying and cleaning up immaterial information in the data. The efficiency gains will be demonstrated both by theory and example. Some recent developments in this area, including partial envelopes and heteroscedastic envelopes, will also be discussed. They refine and extend the enveloping idea, adapting it to more data types and increasing the potential to achieve efficiency gains. Applications of envelopes and their connection to other fields will also be mentioned.