SUB Music: F. Stokes

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 07 Feb 2012 at 8:00 pm
Location:M-Shop, MU
Cost:$5 ISU students, $6 general public ($2 Day-of-show increase)
Contact:Jim Brockpahler
Channel:Student Union Board
Categories:Arts, performances Special events Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
"Aspire, to Inspire. I don't even know you, but I love you," the motto F.Stokes lives by. Born and raised in the South Side of Chicago, F.Stokes has lived a life anything but simple. Transplanting to Madison, WI for his adolescent years, he has created a strong following and passion. Now residing in New York City he has learned to be appreciative of every opportunity he has earned, making the most out of all situations.

His musical influences range from Patti Smith to Kanye West. Johnny Cash to Miles Davis. Gary Clark Jr. to Elvis. He views music not as an option, but as a necessity stating, "my music is how I breathe. I'm grateful, and humbled, that I make a living living out my ideas. There wasn't a definitive moment in which I decided I would dedicate my life to music, it came naturally. Birds don't learn to fly, they just do it, baby."