Paintpushers Reception and Show Critique

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 08 Feb 2012 at 6:30 pm
Location:Gallery Room, MU
Contact:Letitia Kenemer
Channel:Student Engagement
Categories:Arts, performances Diversity Meetings, receptions Special events Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Area artists are invited to bring a current piece of artwork for a group critique. Attendees may participate in the candid discussion of the art, or just come and observe how a critique works.

Paintpushers is a group of Des Moines area artists with a dual purpose - to critique members' art monthly and to exhibit work annually. The Memorial Union is the venue for their current show, Paintpushers: Art of the Critique, on display in the Gallery through February 14.

Artists exhibiting in the show at the Memorial Union include:
Hasan Tosunbegovic - Grimes
Julie Vandeberg - Des Moines
Andrew Clarridge - Story City
Charlotte Dudley - Des Moines
Mike Roate - Des Moines
Kristine Clemons - Norwalk
Kristin Aulwes Des Moines
Ben Schuh - Des Moines
Jacque Roate - Des Moines
Chris Vance - Bondurant
Teresa Townsend Miller - Des Moines