SUB Music: Darrell Scott

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Date/Time:Saturday, 14 Apr 2012 at 9:00 pm
Location:M-Shop, MU
Cost:$12 ISU students, $15 general public ($2 Day-of-show increase)
Contact:Jim Brockpahler
Channel:Student Union Board
Categories:Arts, performances Diversity Special events Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Widely respected throughout the songwriting community, Scott has worked with numerous world-renowned musicians, including Steve Earle, Joan Baez, Guy Clark and Jimmie Dale Gilmore.

Scott has also received two Grammy award nominations, including one for "Best Country Song" for his Dixie Chicks hit "Long Time Gone." Additionally, as part of the Bluegrass Dukes, Scott performed on Steve Earle's Townes, which received a 2010 Grammy for "Best Contemporary Folk Album." In 2007, Scott was awarded "Song of the Year" at the prestigious Americana Music Association Honors & Awards ceremony held at the Ryman Auditorium for his song "Hank Williams Ghost."