Workshop: Use Feng Shui to Increase Energy, Productivity and Raise Your Grades

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Date/Time:Monday, 27 Feb 2012 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Location:Oak Room, Memorial Union
Cost:$27 faculty, staff and public; $9 students
Contact:Susan Radke,
Channel:Student Activities
Categories:Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
"Use Feng Shui to Increase Energy, Productivity and Raise Your Grades." Certified practitioner Susan Radke will teach you how this ancient Chinese art can help you enhance the flow of ch'i (energy) in your space, promoting increased focus, concentration, and creativity. A major portion of the fees collected will support Iowa KidSight, a vision screening program for early detection and treatment of vision impairments for infants and children.

Satisfied with Your Grades? Wish to be More Productive? Will you support vision screening for young children? Certified Feng Shui practitioner Susan Radke will teach you how this ancient Chinese art can help you enhance the flow of ch'i (energy) in your space, promoting increased focus, concentration, and creativity. You will learn how to place the bagua, an energy map, over your space and how certain colors affect your personal ch'i. A major portion of the fees collected will support Iowa KidSight, a vision screening program dedicated to the early detection and treatment of vision impairments for infants and children. This fundraiser/workshop is sponsored by the Iowa State University Lions Club. Please honor the "Ritual of the Red Envelope" and place your workshop/fundraiser fee in a new, unused red envelope. This can be purchased or homemade. The color red symbolizes good luck and the new envelope shows respect for the Feng Shui work. It also increases the effectiveness of the information that will be shared with you and begins your personal process of opening up to the information that will be given during the workshop.