Candidate open forum: Senior vice president and provost

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 24 Apr 2012 at 1:30 pm
Location:Pioneer Room, Memorial Union
Contact:Wendy Wintersteen
Channel:Diversity and Inclusion Office
Categories:Meetings, receptions Special events
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David Manderscheid is dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and one of three finalists named in the search for ISU's senior vice president and provost.

Prior to his current position, he was professor and chair of the department of mathematics at the University of Iowa for six years. He served as associate chair and director of the graduate program for the math department at the University of Iowa from 1997 to 2001. He began on the Iowa faculty in 1985 as a visiting assistant professor and National Science Foundation mathematical sciences postdoctoral fellow. Manderscheid also has worked as an instructor at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City.

Manderscheid earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics (1976) at Michigan State University, East Lansing, and a doctorate in mathematics (1981) from Yale University, New Haven, Conn.