Candidate open forum: Senior vice president and provost

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Date/Time:Friday, 27 Apr 2012 at 10:45 am
Location:Gallery, Memorial Union
Contact:Wendy Wintersteen
Channel:Diversity and Inclusion Office
Categories:Meetings, receptions Special events
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Carlo Montemagno is the founding dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Cincinnati and one of three finalists named in the search for ISU's senior vice president and provost.

Previously, Montemagno served as dean of the College of Engineering from 2006 to 2010 and dean of the College of Applied Science from 2009 to 2010. (The two colleges were integrated in 2010 as the College of Engineering and Applied Science.) Montemagno also is the Geier Professor of Engineering Education and a professor of bioengineering.

He was a faculty member, department chair and a center and institute administrator at the University of California, Los Angeles, from 2001 to 2006. He was on the Cornell University faculty for six years, and has worked in several positions for the Argonne National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Navy.

Montemagno earned a bachelor's degree in agricultural and biological engineering (1980) from Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.; a master's degree in petroleum and natural gas engineering (1990) from Pennsylvania State University, University Park; and a doctorate in civil engineering and geological sciences (1995) from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana.