Adaptive Interface: Light, Space and Comfort exhibition

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Date/Time:Sunday, 11 Nov 2012
Location:College of Design, Lyle E. Lightfoot Forum
Contact:Ulrike Passe
Channel:Live Green
Categories:Live Green
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
This week-long exhibition will highlight climate change adaptation projects students developed during a five-week Berlin Summer Academy, a joint program offered by the College of Design and ars Berlin, a study-abroad program at Beuth University Berlin.

This is the third year Iowa State participated in the Berlin Summer Academy. Faculty included Ulrike Passe, ISU assistant professor of architecture and director of the Center for Building Energy Research, and Robert Demel and Willi Hasselmann of Beuth University Berlin.

"Climate change adaptation is a key parameter for sustainable design," Passe said. "Designing for one climate condition may no longer be sufficient; buildings instead may need to adapt to two climate conditions: current and future. The summer academy addressed the challenges we face in designing for comfort and efficiency now and for what is projected to be a much warmer climate in the future."

The 2012 program began with a four-day workshop in Florence that analyzed the capacity of courtyards commonly used in that city to function similarly in a warming Berlin climate. Students then researched and applied environmental design parameters to the design of urban courtyard typologies for Berlin. In addition to understanding and interpreting public space, circulation and infrastructure in an urban context, the students developed an urban block and concepts for an adaptive building envelope (the physical divider between a building’s interior and exterior environments).