Reiman Gardens After Hours

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Date/Time:Friday, 06 Dec 2013 from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Location:Reiman Gardens
Cost:Advance tickets: $12 for members, $15 for general public. $20 at door for everyone.
Channel:Reiman Gardens
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Kick back and relax at Reiman Gardens' After Hours! This quarterly event is an opportunity to enjoy good company and live music in a beautiful garden setting. Reiman Gardens showcases a new plant at each event with a special signature drink. In December we showcase juniper with a gin & tonic as our signature drink. Juniper berries give gin its distinctive flavor.

Vocalist Bonne Finken will entertain Reiman Gardens guests at Reiman Gardens' After Hours on Friday, December 6 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Finken is a recording artist who is known for her high energy, entertaining original performances. Each of her songs has a story, and Finken is a mesmerizing performer.

Our fourth event of the series will take place in the Garden Room; guests will also enjoy the indoor Conservatory display and may visit the Christina Reiman Butterfly Wing .

ISU Dining will provide a cash bar including our signature gin & tonic drink, bar food, and small sandwiches.