Middle Eastern Belly Dance

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 29 Jan 2014 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location:The Workspace at the Memorial Union
Cost:ISU $65/Public $75
Contact:Letitia Kenemer
Channel:The Workspace
Categories:Arts, performances Diversity Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Come explore the music and movements of the Middle East with Shiara, an accomplished performer, choreographer and instructor, as your guide

Learn the basic movements used for any style of belly dance as well as a short dance routine that will help to solidify these concepts. Bring a scarf or shawl to tie around your hips and get ready to shake up your Wednesday night routine!

Taught by Lisa Rich McKelvey (Shiara)
Wednesdays starting January 29 7-8:39pm for 6 weeks