Reception: Biorenewables Art Competition

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 22 Apr 2015 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Location:Lobby, Biorenewables Research Laboratory
Contact:Bob Mills
Categories:Arts, performances Meetings, receptions Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
This 6th annual competition is a collaboration between the Bioeconomy Institute and the Integrated Studio Arts program in the College of Design. Award winners will be announced during a short 4:15 p.m. program.

The 2015 Biorenewables Art Competition is open to Iowa State students enrolled in Integrated Studio Arts/Integrated Visual Arts courses. They could partner with other Iowa State students.

All entries in the competition will be on display during the reception.

Concurrent with this reception, fall 2014 Leading the Bioeconomy fellowship recipients and graduate students from the spring 2015 Biorenewable Resources and Technology research seminar will present research posters in the adjacent Sukup Atrium.