Opening reception: "Women for Women: Female Fashion Designers" exhibit

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 02 Sep 2015 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Location:Mary Alice Gallery, 1015 Morrill Hall
Contact:Janet Fitzpatrick
Channel:College of Health and Human Sciences
Categories:Meetings, receptions
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
This reception celebrates the Textiles and Clothing Museum's fall exhibit, which brings the names of both recognized and lesser-known female fashion designers to the forefront by presenting examples of their work.

The exhibit runs Aug. 24-Dec. 18 (Monday-Friday 11 a.m.-4 p.m.)

Do female fashion designers understand what is required of women's apparel better than men? Women designers do have the advantage of acting as their own fit models and critics, but that's not always enough to ensure success. While many women designers built recognizable brands around their names, other designers haven't always received the same recognition as their male counterparts.