The Dig with Nico Yaryan and Boone Howard

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 29 Mar 2017 at 8:00 pm
Cost:$8 Students / $12 Public
Contact:Student Union Board
Channel:Student Union Board
Categories:Arts, performances Student activities
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From the beginning, The Dig have been a classic band's band, and a true collaboration: three longtime friends, three songwriters, two singers in a true dual frontman setup, all individuals but all woven more and more tightly together as they have evolved. In a world that rewards drama, reckless moves, and often-overwrought narrative twists, The Dig have bucked that trend by focusing on, well, the work - writing song after song to cast off more th

As a band, The Dig made a choice to turn somewhat from the more ambient sounds of their earlier songs, using those tones as texture to drive songs with other foundations, rather than making it the focal point. And what of the records return to love as a theme? Singer and guitarist David Baldwin explains, "there are elements of both a falling in love and a break up album for sure. I think the songs we picked all generally came from so many different phases and mindsets, there might be different stages in a relationship juxtaposed into the same song. Certain songs may come off like breakup songs but were written while in the peak of a relationship. A kind of regret from the future that hasn't happened yet."

It's also telling that, when talking about influences, The Dig's members often come back to The Kinks, Harry Nilsson, Betty Harris, Parliament, even Bach -- artists who worked in the canon of their eras' pop music, but always with an eye toward upending pop's expectations, fraying the edges, getting weird. Baroque structures and subtle nods pop up throughout and they permeate the art surrounding this new collection, as well.

Everywhere you look these days, there are "I could do that"-type cynics. But could they, really? And if they did, could they keep the same wide-eyed spirit The Dig has had for years, since the band's two singers formed their first band as kids? The songs that make up this long-player have a magic borne from that dedication, where tremendous work and discipline meet a lifetime of collaboration and a joyful, insatiable love for songwriting. As it relates to one band's rock record, it may seem strange to point out how cynical the world happens to be right now, but it takes dedication and a deep well of talent to do it like The Dig do it, and do it so well.

Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter Nico Yaryan will support the show and Portland-based musician Boone Howard will open.