Black & White Digital Photography

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 06 Jun 2018 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location:Reiman Gardens
Channel:Reiman Gardens
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
4-week course beginning Wednesday, June 6, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. This course builds on the technical foundations of digital photography, expanding on your ability to see form, shape and texture as a photographer.

Professional photographer Mark Stoltenberg will help you to look at the world in a whole new way as you further explore the tools, techniques, and identify the best subject matter to create black and white digital images. Your DSLR camera may allow you to shoot directly to B&W, but the process of learning to convert your color digital image into B&W, with the use of software, is key to this course.
You will need to bring the following to each class: your DSLR camera and sturdy tripod. Beginner photography or instructor permission is the prerequisite for this class. Registration with pre-payment is required by Monday, June 4.

$85 Members
$110 General Public
$72.25 ISU Students