Measurement of jet substructure in heavy ion collisions at the LHC experiments

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 15 Aug 2018 from 4:10 pm to 5:00 pm
Location:A401 Zaffarano Hall
Channel:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Yongsun Kim, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne

The measurement of jet substructure in pp and PbPb collisions at the LHC experiments - ATLAS, CMS, and ALICE - is reviewed. Jet substructure observables can be used to study the modification of partons by Quark Gluon Plasma which is created in relativistic heavy ion collisions. In particular, the measurement of sub-jet correlation and jet mass can provide crucial information for the modification in the coherence of particles produced from the same jet. Since Run II at the LHC, the luminosity of Pb+Pb collisions has dramatically increased and the understanding on the detector performance enhanced as well. This environement improved the jet studies both qualitatively and quantitatively, thus enabled precision measurement of jet substructures in heavy ion collision. In this seminar, the results of sub-jet correlation and jet mass using ALICE, CMS, and ATLAS, are presented. Also, the background subtraction techniques to remove the underlying events and jet grooming techniques used for these measurements is introduced.