Higgs Boson Decay as a Probe to the Unsolved Mysteries in the Universe: Dark Energy, Dark Matter an Missing Antimatter

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Date/Time:Thursday, 10 Oct 2019 from 4:10 pm to 5:00 pm
Location:Phys 0003
Channel:College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
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Dr. Chunhui Chen, Iowa State University

Abstract: Despite being a remarkably simple theoretical model, the Higgs mechanism is the only known theory that
is connected to some of the most profound mysteries in the modern physics: dark energy, dark matter and
missing antimatter. Measurements of the Higgs boson decay may shield lights on those open questions. In
this talk, I will present a few selective results from the ATLAS experiment on the Higgs boson decays.
Namely the first observation of the Higgs boson decay to a pair of b-quarks, which had eluded us for many
years despite it is the most probable Higgs decay channel; novel techniques to search for potential new
physics using boosted hardonically decaying Higgs boson, and a first search for singly produced
long-lived neutral particle that may be realized via Higgs portal. The talk will mainly focus on general
descriptions of the measurements without too much technical details, so that the content is accessible
to non experimental particle physicists.

Bio: Chunhui Chen is an associate professor in experimental high energy physics at Iowa State University (ISU).
Before coming to ISU, Chunhui received his Ph.D. in physics from University of Pennsylvania working on
the CDF II experiment at Fermilab. Afterward, he had a postdoctoral training at University of Maryland and
carried out his research to study CP violation using Babar detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.
While at ISU, Chunhui has been a member of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
His primary research interest is the measurement of the Higgs boson decay property, and searches for potential
new particles beyond the standard model.