Plein Air Painting in the Conservatory

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Date/Time:Sunday, 02 Feb 2020 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location:Reiman Gardens
Channel:Reiman Gardens
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Students of all skill levels will learn to paint the colors and textures of the Gardens in the French tradition of painting "en plein air," or outside - or in this case, in the Conservatory!

Artist and illustrator Kelsey Wilson will demonstrate her process and provide painting techniques and helpful tips about painting open spaces. Then it's your turn to paint your own plein air in acrylics to take home.

Shared materials will be provided. Preregistration with prepayment is required by Thursday, January 30.
$40 Members
$50 General Public
$34 ISU Students