Photo Transfers on Fabric Class with Judy Lemish
Date/Time: | Sunday, 18 Oct 2020 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm |
Location: | Workspace at the Iowa State Memorial Union |
Cost: | ISU $45, Public $55 |
URL: | |
Contact: | Letitia Kenemer |
Phone: | 515-294-0970 |
Channel: | The Workspace |
Categories: | Arts, performances Student activities |
Actions: | Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder |
Bring 5-8 photos to class that have good definition (not blurry). Images can be actual photos or ones that are printed on regular paper. Students must have basic embroidery/hand-stitching skills to participate.
Instructor: Judy Lemish
Open to ages 18+. All supplies included in class fee.
Tuesdays beginning October 18, 6-9pm for 2 weeks
ISU $45, Public $55
Please Pre-register