Iowa Songwriters Showcase

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Date/Time:Tuesday, 23 Mar 2021 at 7:00 pm
Location:Stephens Auditorium
Channel:Iowa State Center
Categories:Arts, performances
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Angela Meyer is a country music artist based in Eastern Iowa in the tiny town of McCausland. She has played professionally around the Quad Cities area for over 10 years, and shows from New Mexico to New York. Along the way, she has graced stages of all sizes including the National Finals Rodeo events in Las Vegas. Hear her debut album "Consequence" where music is streamed or sold. In-person seating and livestream viewing options are available.

Tickets available online only and must be purchased in advance.
Reserved tables with seating for up to four (4) are available for $40.
Livestream links are available for $10 for a single stream and $20 for a group stream.

About the Goldfinch Room
With the support of the Ames Community Arts Council, the Goldfinch Room hosts a series of Iowa Songwriters Showcases throughout the year. Nestled inside the Celebrity Cafe on the ground floor of Stephens Auditorium, this listening room provides great acoustics in an intimate setting for approximately 100 people.