Seminar: Elements of a Healing Garden

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Date/Time:Monday, 28 Feb 2022 from 4:15 pm to 5:30 pm
Contact:Kathy Hein,
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Join this seminar to hear from Mark Dwyer, Horticulturist from Landscape Prescriptions by MD in Janesvill, Wi. Mark will discuss specific enabling features to accommodate specific user, encourage engagement and provide a welcoming garden space for all visitors and users. Gain some insight into the use of materials and layouts to promote active programmatic use for physical therapy, horticulture therapy, and more.

Email Kathy Heing (

kahein (at) iastate (dot) edu
) to receive an invite with the zoom information.

Abstract: This presentation will discuss about many of the design features that can be successfully included in a design for a healing or enabling garden. We'll talk about some of the plant materials appropriate for the setting but how the actual layout and features can encourage engagement and relaxation for a wide audience of users but also have the potential to be utilized for active programmatic use (physical therapy, horticulture therapy, etc.). We'll also discuss specific enabling features that will accommodate specific users, encourage engagement and provide a welcoming garden space for all visitors and users. Mark's current involvement with the design and management of the Edgerton (WI) Hospital Healing Garden will also be a focus.