Gold Star Hall Ceremony

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Date/Time:Monday, 07 Nov 2022 from 3:15 pm to 5:05 pm
Location:Durham Great Hall, Memorial Union
Contact:Lana Seiler
Channel:Memorial Union programs
Categories:Special events Student activities
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Iowa State University will honor five veterans, all former students, who made the ultimate sacrifice in serving their country.

The public is invited to attend this year's Gold Star Hall Ceremony at Iowa State University, which will take place on Monday, November 7, 2022, at 3:15 p.m. in the Durham Great Hall of the Memorial Union.

This important ceremony honors five Iowa State students who made the ultimate sacrifice fighting for the freedoms that we cherish. Their names are carved into the limestone walls of Gold Star Hall in the Memorial Union, so that we may both remember and honor their service to our country.

For more information about the service members who will be honored during this year's ceremony please see our website:

We will share photos, memorabilia, and the personal stories of how these Iowa State students became servicemembers. The family and friends of our fallen heroes will be in attendance so that they may see the names of their loved ones
forever memorialized in Gold Star Hall.

Light refreshments will be available following the ceremony.

Please help honor these fallen Iowa State veterans by planning to attend this ceremony. Remembering these Iowa State students is a way of continuing to honor their service.