Memorial Union Awards Ceremony

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Date/Time:Friday, 26 Apr 2024 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Location:Durham Great Hall, Memorial Union
Contact:Lana Seiler
Channel:Memorial Union programs
Categories:Meetings, receptions Special events
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
Join Memorial Union staff as they recognize the contributions of individuals who give their time and resources to make the MU a great place for students, staff and the ISU community.

We'll be giving out the following awards, honors, and accomplishments:
- M.J. Riggs Award: Created in 2009, the M.J. Riggs Award recognizes those individuals or organizations whose contributions have had an impact upon a specific area, department, unit or goal of the Memorial Union. It is named for Morris John Riggs, the first Board President of the Memorial Union Corporation, who served from 1920-1925. He was described as "a large man of seemingly boundless enthusiasm and energy." He saw a bigger vision of the memorial building that was to serve campus and convinced those on campus to take on the challenge of raising one million dollars in 1920!
- Four Seasons Award: Created in 2009, the Four Seasons Award recognizes students, faculty, staff or community members who have gone above and beyond their formal commitments to the Memorial Union to help the Union achieve its goals or levels of distinguished prominence in the community. It is named for the Four Seasons sculptures created by Christian Petersen for the fountain north of the Union.
- MU Custodian of the Year
- MU Mechanic of the Year
- MU Student Team of the Year
- MU Building Partner of the Year
- Director's Team Member of the Year
- Roger Ferris Student Employee Award: This award was created in 2017, the Roger Ferris: MU Student Employee Award recognizes a Memorial Union student employee whose contributions have had an impact upon a specific area, department, unit or goal of the Memorial Union.
- Harold Pride Service Medallion Award: goes to people who have given extensively of themselves on behalf of the Memorial Union. Past winners have included past MU directors, past MU staff members and those who've served on the Board of Directors for a long time.