Saturday, 14 Jan 2017
FIRST LEGO League State Championships
The robotics rounds take place in the lower level of Howe Hall. Iowa FIRST® LEGO® League Championships, a STEM event that showcases some of Iowa's most creative kids, is free and open to the public.
Sunday, 15 Jan 2017
FIRST LEGO League State Championships
The robotics rounds take place in the lower level of Howe Hall. Iowa FIRST® LEGO® League Championships, a STEM event that showcases some of Iowa's most creative kids, is free and open to the public.
Thursday, 26 Jan 2017
Tour: Virtual Reality Applications Center (CANCELED)
The VRAC Experience public tour offers participants a chance to learn about the unique research facilities at VRAC and HCI and how we use them as research tools. The presentation also explains how 3D virtual reality (VR) works and how graphics technology has evolved over the past decade. Several 3D enabled demonstrations will show how VR is being used to conduct research. RSVP free online.