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What is featured?

Friday, 20 Jan 2023

Art-for-Rent Open House

Jan 20, 2023

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

MU Art Gallery, First Floor, Memorial Union

Memorial Union programs Arts, performances Student activities

Last Day! Add a splash of color and set the mood in your home or office with help from the MU. We have a collection of framed posters, prints, and original art that is available for rent by the year or half year. With close to 300 pieces in the collection there is something for everyone! Artwork ranges in size and style and most pieces rent for $10 - $25 per year.

Gymnastics Triangular Meet

Jan 20, 2023

6:30 PM

Hilton Coliseum


Athletics Athletics

Iowa State Gymnastics vs. Eastern Michigan and California, Davis. Competition times and dates are subject to change.